The date is August 1914. The British Expeditionary Force is in France and You're in the Royal Field Artillery. You're riding alongside one of the battery's gun limbers on its way to the assigned position on the east side of Mons, Belgium. This begins your journey into the Hell they called World War One. To purchase this historical memoir go to https://createspace.com/3649268

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Grandfather's journal April 26, 1915 Part 1

All his journal entries are in my book "World War 1 - An Unkept Promise" on Kindle or paperback "The Great Promise" on Amazon Available in US, UK, EU

April 26th

Marched about 8:30 am with Battery and halted outside Vlamertinghe.
George, Collins and I went with CO to Ypres to reconnoiter a position for the battery. As we neared Ypres, we could see the hellish bombardment going on.
On all sides of the road were dead horses, overturned lorries and discarded equipment. Hundreds of wounded were being carried down, or hobbling along the best way they could.
As we galloped through the town, some awful sights met our eyes, men and horses blown to pieces. Every few yards along the road was something dead, and bits of men and horses were everywhere.
We found the Artillery Head Quarters and the Captain went for orders.

The shells were absolutely falling everywhere - it was an inferno. Every second man we met was wounded, and we said to each other, 'I reckon we're on the last lap this journey.' 

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