The date is August 1914. The British Expeditionary Force is in France and You're in the Royal Field Artillery. You're riding alongside one of the battery's gun limbers on its way to the assigned position on the east side of Mons, Belgium. This begins your journey into the Hell they called World War One. To purchase this historical memoir go to https://createspace.com/3649268

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Second Proof

Received an email from Create Space that the corrected proof could be downloaded for review. I downloaded the file but I was about to leave on a trip so I didn't have a great deal of time to look it over. The first error was found within the first few pages.

The first change I made was removing the "fictionalized description of the following", and added "memoir account of the following battles:". The change resulted in, "memoir account of the following: the following battles".

I quickly reviewed the other changes  and each seemed correct so I called the Create Space service desk. I requested the correction to the double "following" and told them that the other changes seem correct so I approve the proof. The representative said that the minor change would take two business days, which is hard to believe in this day and age.

Even if it does take two days the book would be finished on the requested date of August 8th, although it would be ready for printing on that date. It is my hope that the book would be in print by the end of the week.

I'm feeling that the up-coming book launch is going to be huge so I'm considering the purchase of 200 books, that is in addition to the 50 free books. With that quantity I'll have to prepare a standard quote or the signing would become a nightmare. Anyone out there have a suggestion on how I should handle this?

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