The date is August 1914. The British Expeditionary Force is in France and You're in the Royal Field Artillery. You're riding alongside one of the battery's gun limbers on its way to the assigned position on the east side of Mons, Belgium. This begins your journey into the Hell they called World War One. To purchase this historical memoir go to https://createspace.com/3649268

Monday, April 28, 2014

Kindle ebook update

I received my first review for my new book on Kindle and the reviewer suggested maps and photographs. Since I do not have maps I decided to add photographs - 11 in all. I hope readers will enjoy this change.

From Notes and Well Remembered Incidences

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 100 years ago

Is history repeating itself? In April 1914 forces were in motion that would ultimately lead to war. Germany's Kaiser had assembled an army to match that of its long time foe France and yet he felt surrounded by enemies. Count Alfred von Schlieffen developed a battle plan whereby Germany could fight and win a two front war. After he retired Helmuth von Moltke revised the original plan just in case war came.

By 1914 Austria / Hungary was the second largest country in Europe and the fourth most powerful manufacture of machinery. When Russia defeated Turkey, Austria assessed it as Russia's plan to expand its Slavic goals. In the 1878 Congress of Berlin allowed Austria to occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina, however, that did not sit well with the Bosnia and Herzegovina when Austria decided to fully absorb them.

Ultimately the tension between these two countries would lead to war. 

I can only assume that my grandfather was well aware of the mounting problems in Europe. He still had three more years of required service in the RFA reserve and was working as an electrician. Married in 1912, he and his wife had a baby girl so he must have been very concerned about the future.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

World War 1 - An Unkept Promise (price is discounted)

Starting Friday my book 'World War 1 - An Unkept Promise' will be discounted on Kindle for one week starting at .99 and the discount will decrease until it returns to its current price of $2.99.

 I'm discounting the book for two reasons, first to promote this historical document during the upcoming centennial of WWI, and secondly to increase its distribution in hopes that readers will spread the word.

The book has received excellent ratings for the most part, thus making the book well worth the investment.

Here is an excerpt from the book.

April 26th

The guns were getting it pretty warm, but we started firing in good style. [i]   
The wire broke three times, but by arrangements we raised the range, while out of communication.

 Twice during the afternoon I went through ST JEAN and each time thought I should never get back. I felt quite alright and thought I was bound to meet it somewhere, so [I] took it easy, but at nightfall I thought I must have been very lucky.

The enemy kept up hard shelling everywhere; it was one continual roar, shell[s] frequently bursting over us and bullets and splinters knocking lumps off my dugout. I really thought it was the finishing touch, for of all the places I had been through [in] the campaign, this was by far the worst; it seemed impossible for one to live long in it. 
 I had a few hours sleep, awakening now and again when a large shell burst somewhere near.  At daylight we were at it again; the first thing that met my gaze was a shell dropped just the other side of the hedge. [It fell] among what was left of a Canadian Battery Wagon Line, (most of the men had been killed when the Germans broke through the previous week). They bayoneted them whilst they slept and hung the Ferrier to a tree. [Then they] crucified a Sergeant of the Canadian Scottish to a barn door with bayonets. This wagon line had about a dozen horses left of 200 – the guns were captured by the enemy, but were afterwards regained by a magnificent charge by the Canadian infantry. (Figure 8)
These are fine fellows and splendid fighters and hated the cursed Germans like fury for their murderous ways of waging war.
A couple of days previous the Canadian Scottish were ordered to retire, but refused to do so.  [They] charged the enemy on their own. It was a mad thing to do and they lost over 500 men, but captured some trenches and captured 100 prisoners or more; not one of these prisoners were brought down. [ii]

We were fighting as they – no quarter, and the Canadians gave none. Just in [the] rear of our guns, there was a Prussian Guardsman (a fine fellow, fully 6’ 3’  in height and big with it) pinned to a tree with a bayonet. [He had] a post card stuck on his forehead with the words, ‘ Canada does not forget.’  
The byword of the Canadians were, ‘ we’ll give‘em crucify.’  The happenings around of this period would fill a book with horrors of this description.
[Word spread] of the splendid fighting of the Canadians and the Indian troops who were with us.
Truly enough the Canadians had served Ypres, as did the 7th, 5th, and 1st Divisions in November

[i] Coxen, Fred G

[i] Ibid

[ii] Ibid

Saturday, April 12, 2014

From Notes and Well Remembered Incidences

So far there has been over 100 free downloads of my book 'From Notes and Well Remembered Incidences'. The free downloads will continue until Sunday 4/13 so check out Kindle and get your free copy.

To those who already downloaded - enjoy and please post your review.  Thanks

This is the year we remember those that gave their lives for the freedom of others.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Other WWI sites

A visitor to my site complimented me on its content and requested other sites he might join where he could interact with like minds. I highly suggest 'Great War Form'. Through all my research I have not found a site that compares to the quality of members who have the depth of knowledge.

From Notes and Well Remembered Incidences

It has been several months since my last post because I've been finishing a new book. This one focuses on the early battles of WWI as well as the journal entries that describe the action.

Readers have offered me feedback and requested that I focus more on the journal entries than the story of the keeping the promise and my experiences on my trip to London. Therefore I've posted a new ebook on Kindle titled 'From Notes and Well Remembered Incidences', which reflects my grandfather's opening statement in his journal.

For the low price of $2.99 US Dollars you can download a piece of history. Or, you can wait until 4/11 and for three days you can download the book for free. My only request is that those who do download the book please post a review so I know if I found the target this time.

I'm trying to earn enough money to return to the UK this June to meet with the Western Front Association and tour the battlefields and follow my grandfather's footsteps. Royalties from this new book will go towards this goal. No doubt this experience will be emotional and could become the basis of a new story. So I would appreciate everyone's support in my quest to relive my grandfather's experience by purchasing my new book.